As the premier sports performance facility in the Lehigh Valley and Northwestern NJ, MADE Strength is dedicated to providing proven training methods that consistently produce some of the highest-level athletes in the area. Our individualized and supervised training programs are designed to help athletes excel in their respective sports.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many times per week should I train?
This honestly is up to you based on your budget and schedule. Typically, if you are a
Middle School Student Athlete
Usually 2x/week, at most 3x/week.
High School Athlete
Usually 3x/week or 4x/week depending on your goals
College Athlete
5x/week (also depends on overall training/practice schedule)
What age should I start training?
Ideally, we start training athletes at 11-12 years old. There are multiple reasons why that is the golden age to start and occasionally there are exceptions to this, but we've found most athletes under this age lack the attention span and thought processes to complete a workout without one-on-one attention.
How should I train for the upcoming season?
Sooner than later. The longer you can train in the off-season, the better results you’ll see. If you have an off-season, meaning you are not playing a sport, then you should be training to get stronger, faster, more powerful, etc.
Should I train while In-Season?
Ideally, yes! But many athletes find it difficult to fit it into their packed in-season schedule. If possible, a one time a week recovery workout is great. If not, just focus on your season and we’ll see you in the off-season.
Before beginning the actual training process, we will perform an assessment on the athlete. The assessment is a movement screening process to check the athlete's mobility, flexibility, muscle imbalances, and weaknesses. The athlete will also perform a battery of Baseline Testing that consists of vertical jump assessment, other jumping tests, along with laser timed sprint analysis, basic strength testing and a conditioning test to evaluate a cardiovascular starting point.
With all this information and after discussing goals, we then develop the individualized program for the athlete to begin their training journey.
Programs are phased for approximately 4 weeks where the athlete will then be progressed to a new phase bringing them closer to their full potential.
How do sessions work?
Athlete memberships are session-based. Once you purchase a membership, you’ll use the PushPress Member App to sign up for training time slots. PushPress keeps track of your sessions and once you use all your sessions, you purchase a new membership. Athletes have 6 weeks to use their sessions.
Adult memberships are monthly memberships and must be renewed each month regardless if all sessions have been used. There are three tiers of adult memberships, 2x/week, 3x/week, and unlimited weekly sessions.
How does the program work?
Do you have sport specific training?
Every athlete receives an individualized program based on the results, needs and goals identified during his/her assessment. Programs are designed around whichever sport season the athlete is preparing for next.
Our goal at MADE is to give the athlete a new set of physical tools so they are prepared for the demands of the sport and an increased ability to be the best player.
Is there personal training?
At this time, we do not personally train athletes. We use coach-based training and limit the number of athletes at each time slot so there is a 3-4 athletes to coach ratio.
How do I sign up for my training sessions?
Our client management system is called PushPress. Please click here to select the training package you’d like to purchase. Once you purchase sessions through PushPress, download the PushPress Member App and use it to sign up for whatever time slot you’d like. You are completely in control of scheduling your training sessions-whatever day and time you’d like and it can even change week to week! If you cannot sign up for a time slot, you may be within the 2 hour cutoff window, the time slot is full, or you are out of sessions and must purchase more.
What sports have you trained?
We’ve trained athletes who compete in
Field Hockey
Swimming & Diving
Track & Field
Irish Dancing
Dirt Bike Racing
BMX Racing
Ice Hockey
Cross Country
Jiu Jitsu